2013-ongoing | Performance | Variable durations
"The Impossible Works of Raed Yassin" invited several curators to take part in a performance that employs strategies of forgery, fabulation, and factuality to realize through the medium of speech works that are "impossible" to execute. Each of the curators occupied a separate room in the space and described, theorized, and narrated the conception, features, and context of an invisible artwork. By omitting different details and altering the description with every iteration, the curators attempted to offer limitless permutations of projects that are materially absent. The project sought to activate a collaborative speculation about the future of curatorial practices and the potentialities of conversation between artist and curator. By collapsing some of the formal, political, and epistemological tropes of curating and artistic production into an oral modality, the curator as a meta-artist and the artist as a meta-curator engaged. The members of the audience became actors in a game of imagination, persuasion, and deception.
Documentation - Marselleria 2015 - photos by Fantom Editions
Documentation - Beirut Art Center 2013 - photos by Houssam Mchaimech
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